“Ex Oikonomo 2021” Subsity for buildings energy upgrades

The Guide of “Exoikonomo 2021” was published on the website https://exoikonomo2021.gov.gr/odegos (only greek language available for now) and includes all the information for the next energy upgrade program of buildings.

The platform for submitting applications for Exoikonomo 2021 will remain open until January 31, according to the Ministry of Environment and Energy . As noted in the relevant announcement, the platform will open on December 13, the submission of applications will be done electronically for a period of 50 days and will be simultaneous for the whole Territory.

The new program aims to upgrade at least 50,000 homes, 38% more than in the previous cycle and will contribute to achieving the goal set in the National Plan for Energy and Climate (ESEK), for the energy upgrade of 600,000 buildings by the end of the decade.

The final guide of the “Ex Oikonomo” program provides a subsidy bonus for energy upgrade of rented houses, also.

The aid rates are as follows:

For individual income up to 5,000 euros and family income up to 10,000 euros, a percentage of 75% in the homeowners and 65% in the cases of rent / free concession.
From 5,000-10,000 euros for individuals and 10,000-20,000 for families, 70% for homeowners and 60% for rental / free concessions.
From 10,000-20,000 euros individual and 20,000-30,000 euros family, 55% in the homeowners and 45% in cases of rent / free concession.
From 20,000-30,000 euros individual and 30,000-40,000 euros family, 45% for the homeowners and 40% in the cases of rent / free concession.
From 30,000-50,000 euros individual and 40,000-60,000 euros family, a percentage of 40% in the homeowners and 40% also in cases of rent / free concession.

Beneficiaries can cover the remaining amount with equity or an interest-free loan. In addition, an additional grant (bonus) + 10% is provided in the projected grant percentage of apartment building applications, when the total of the millimeters of the apartment building participates.

For all types of application (individual apartments, detached houses, apartment buildings), a mandatory upgrade by at least three energy categories is provided, in order to ensure Primary Energy Saving at a rate of more than 30%. Upon completion of the project and based on the second Energy Efficiency Certificate, achievement tests will be performed for both the minimum energy target and energy savings.

Eligible interventions include: frames / shading / ventilation systems, thermal insulation, heating and cooling systems, domestic hot water systems, energy management devices (smart home) and lighting upgrades.

At Home Advisors, you can find all the constructions needed for the energy upgrade, or any other renovation, of your house.

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